The Netherlands Institute for the Near East

Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten  -  Institut néerlandais du Proche-Orient

NINO Thesis Prizes

NINO annually awards two prizes to the best BA and (res)MA thesis on the ancient Near East in the Netherlands: one BA Thesis Prize (€ 400) and one MA Thesis Prize (€ 600). The topic should be within the scope of the NINO research areas, and graded an 8 or higher at a Dutch university in the current academic year.

A call for submissions is open from 1 June to 1 October each year. During this period students may submit their thesis through the NINO website. The competition is judged in November; the two winners are awarded the Thesis Prize at NINO’s Annual Meeting. The runners-up receive a certificate.

NINO Thesis Prizes 2023-2024

In 2023 we received too few submissions for a proper competition. The 2023 submissions received are added to the 2024 submissions, to compete together in one round.

Our jury will select the four best theses submitted in 2023 and 2024 in November 2024. At the NINO Annual Meeting on 30 January 2025 (to be held in Groningen), two winners will be announced: one for the Bachelor Prize and one for the Master Prize.

Students in Ancient Near Eastern studies have the opportunity to submit their thesis online between 1 June and 1 October 2024. Don’t miss this chance to win this year’s prize for Best Bachelor or Master thesis on the Ancient Near East!

Conditions and regulations

The main conditions for participation are:

The full regulations for the NINO Thesis Prizes 2023-2024 are available in Dutch (pdf) and in English (pdf).

Submit your thesis

Applicant's personal information

Thesis details

Upload documents

Upload single pdf document (max. 100 MB)

Upload pdf document

Upload Word document (300-500 words in Dutch or English)

 I agree to NINO's conditions for entering the competition, and NINO's regulations on Thesis Prizes.

* Required fields

Former prize winners