The Netherlands Institute for the Near East

Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten  -  Institut néerlandais du Proche-Orient

NINO Outgoing Mobility Grant

Four times per year, NINO offers Outgoing Mobility Grants of max. € 1500 to MA, PhD, or early postdoctoral students in the Netherlands.


The Mobility Grant is to be used for study or research abroad, such as study visits to museum collections or research institutes, travel to archaeological sites or fieldwork in the Middle East, attendance of masterclasses or specialist courses, or travel to conferences where the student will present a paper or poster.

The Mobility Grant may be used to cover the cost of travel and accommodation, membership or registration fees, admission tickets, library fees, and similar. Not supported by this grant are tuition fees, food and drink, and equipment.

Applications may be sent in year-round. Four times per year, NINO’s Academic Committee assesses applications and awards grants.

Outgoing Mobility Grants will not be awarded more than once at each level (MA, PhD, recent post-PhD) and should be used within 12 months following the award.

NINO Outgoing Mobility Grant

Deadline for application 15 February 15 May 15 August 15 November
Award April July October January
Grant to be used until April next year July next year October next year January next year


Conditions and regulations

Applicants must be enrolled in an MA or PhD program in ancient Near Eastern Studies at a Dutch university, or have recently completed their degree.

The Grant cannot be used retroactively, i.e. for trips and visits with a starting date earlier than the award date.

Activities supported by the grant include

Not covered are

Have you obtained or applied for any other funds or awards regarding this trip? Please mention them in your budget – matching external funds are an asset to your application.

Please note: NINO will prioritise applications by researchers and students who are not partipants in an existing larger research project – in other words, NINO does not aim to fund components of ongoing funded projects.

N.B.: the Leiden University Fund habitually funds participation in conferences abroad for self-funded Leiden PhD candidates. If you meet LUF’s criteria for this grant, please apply at LUF first.

Full regulations: NINO Mobility Grants rules and conditions (pdf)

Apply for an Outgoing Mobility Grant

Applicant's personal information


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 I agree to NINO's conditions for application, and NINO's regulations for Outgoing Mobility Grants.

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