The Netherlands Institute for the Near East is a pillar of Dutch research on the Ancient Near East and Egypt. NINO maintains an internationally renowned open-shelf library, holds important collections of cuneiform tablets and other Near Eastern objects, publishes scientific journals and monographic series, and offers a variety of funding instruments.
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From its location at Leiden University, NINO provides excellent research facilities and a variety of instruments in support of students and researchers working locally and remotely. The Institute aims to advance knowledge of the history, languages, and archaeology of the ancient Near East, including Egypt, in the Netherlands and worldwide.
The NINO Near Eastern Library, internationally renowned as one of the most complete study collections in the fields of Egyptology, Assyriology, Hittitology, archaeology of the Near East and connected studies, is curated by Leiden University Libraries (UBL) and part of its Middle Eastern Library (MEL).
The NINO Research Centre is part of Leiden University’s Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS).
NINO owns several collections, notably the De Liagre Böhl Collection: the largest collection of cuneiform inscriptions in the Netherlands. The National Museum of Antiquities (RMO) displays a number of highlights in its permanent exhibition. As of 2018 the Böhl Collection is curated in cooperation with the Museum.
The NINO Research Centre offers various fellowships, grants, and subsidies in support of researchers and students. With Peeters Publishers, Leuven, it publishes several series and journals.
Read more on the organisation and structure of NINO >