Dr Rients de Boer is Assyriologist and curates the De Liagre Böhl Collection of cuneiform tablets. For any questions or requests to study items you are welcome to contact Dr De Boer.
I am an Assyriologist and interested in the Old Babylonian period (ca. 2000-1600 BCE), both its texts and its Archaeology.
After a degree in Controlling from Groningen University, I studied Akkadian and Arabic, first in Groningen, then in Leiden. I did my MA in Paris at the École Pratique des Hautes Études and wrote my thesis on the Amorites again in Leiden (graduation 2014). After this, I worked for five years at the Free University Amsterdam before coming back to Leiden.
I regularly teach classes in Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the School of Middle Eastern Studies (LIAS).
See Academia profile.