Book Specifications
col. 293-546 pp.
2016 | BiOr Volume 73 3/4 ISSN: 0006-1913
In this paper, I will examine a group of words connected to the semantic areas of “stele” (or “altar”) and “soul” in Luwian and Hittite, and investigate the possible etymological connections. It will be argued that they go back to the Indo-European root, *steh2-, “to stand/make stand”, while for others a different root (*dheh1-, “to put, place”) needs to be assumed.
The volume under review is likely to take its predecessor’s place as the standard Ugaritological reference edition. With this position it will have a significant influence on the progress and predetermine the accuracy of research. Therefore, in section I a systematic description is given, which will include a complete summary of the reclassifications of texts and a quantifying table of the provided corpus and its enlargements. For the same reason, some editorial (II) and conceptual (III) shortcomings are detailed, which are inconsistent with the volume’s set goals and obstruct its critical use. This second part will include lists of important literature not cited sufficiently, unspecified, misleading or missing abbreviations, various misspellings affecting understanding, missing specifications of author etc. within references and problems with the transcriptional principles. Thereafter, an extensive list of remaining slips and minor remarks (IV) is provided, preceded by an excerpt of what the reviewer deems to be most relevant thereof to the users. Finally, priorities for future revisions and supplemental publications are suggested (V). This article concludes with its bibliography (VI) and an indication of those Ugaritic texts referenced in it.
Dans son ouvrage, The Living and the Dead in Islam, le Professeur W. Diem améliore la publication d’une stèle funéraire de Ṣaʿdah de 949 H. L’abondante présence, dans l’épitaphe, de prières en usage dans les textes funéraires d’Egypte, et d’autres lieux, jusqu’au Ve-VIe H., conduit l’auteur à poser deux questions : y a-t-il eu un emploi continu de ces types de prières sur des stèles du Yémen non encore étudiées ? Cet emploi est-il un usage local ? Et, pourrait-on ajouter, est-il le choix d’un individu ? Comment répondre à ces questions face au petit nombre d’inscriptions publiées ? L’étude de trois nouvelles épitaphes de Ṣaʿdah et une de Tarīm, dont les photographies et les transcriptions sont présentées, n’apporte pas de réponse affirmative à ces questions. En revanche, elles montrent qu’il y a continuité durant plusieurs siècles dans la disposition des textes sur la pierre et dans leur teneur.
Faraonisch Egypte, Grieks-Romeins Egypte, Assyriologie, Hittitologie, Semitische Epigrafie, Ethiopisch, Aramees, Modern Aramees, Wetenschapsgeschiedenis, Judaica, Archeologie, Islam, Varia
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