The Netherlands Institute for the Near East

Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten  -  Institut néerlandais du Proche-Orient

Book Specifications
268 pp.

Anatolica XXIII

1997  |  Anatolica Volume 23 1997 ISSN: 0066-1554; 23

Mary M. Voigt et al. - Fieldwork at Gordion, 1993-1995. (1-59)
Timothy Matney, Guillermo Algaze, Holly Pittman - Excavations at Titris Höyük in Southeastern Turkey. A Preliminary Report of the 1996 Season. (61-84)
Sevil Gülçur - Güvercinkayasi. Eine Vorgeschichtliche Felsrückensiedlung in Zentralanatolien. (85-110)
Gil J. Stein et al. - Excavations at Hacinebi, Turkey. 1996: Preliminary Report. (111-171)
Veli Sevin - Van/Zernaki Tepe. On the Urartian Grid Plan Once Again. (173-180)
Antonio Sagona, Mustafa Erkmen, Claudia Sagona, Sarah Howells - Excavations at Sos Höyük, 1996. Third Preliminary Report. (181-226)
Olivier Nieuwenhuyse - Following the Earliest Halaf. Some Later Halaf Pottery from Tell Sabi Abyad. (227-242)
Bogdan Brukner - Proto-Starcevo White Painted and Early Painted Pottery of SE Europe. Similarities and Differences. (243-268)