Peter Akkermans
RMO: Leemans-zaal (begane grond)
LET OP: deze lezing vindt plaats op een dinsdagmiddag (i.p.v. onze gebruikelijke donderdagmiddag). De voertaal is Engels.
This talk concludes the four-year NWO sponsored project Landscapes of Survival. The project’s principle investigator will deliver a synthesizing lecture, bringing new datasets from settlements, burials, rock-art, and inscriptions into a single interpretative framework. For the first time, the lifeways of the inhabitants of the “periphery” of the kingdoms and empires of the Ancient Levant will be brought into focus, casting new light on the cultural significance of the vast Levantine steppe and its ancient peoples.
Prof. dr. P.M.M.G. Akkermans is hoogleraar Archeologie van het Nabije Oosten aan de Universiteit Leiden en opgravingsleider van het Jebel Qurma Archaeological Landscape Project.
The fourth Leiden Lecture on Ancient Arabian Civilization is organized by the Leiden Center for the Study of Ancient Arabia and NINO.