NINO annually awards two prizes to the best BA and (res)MA thesis on the ancient Near East in the Netherlands: one BA Thesis Prize (€ 400) and one MA Thesis Prize (€ 600). The topic should be within the scope of the NINO research areas, and graded an 8 or higher at a Dutch university in the current academic year.
A call for submissions is open from 1 June to 1 October each year. During this period students may submit their thesis through the NINO website. The competition is judged in November; the two winners are awarded the Thesis Prize at NINO’s Annual Meeting. The runners-up receive a certificate.
Our jury will select the four best theses submitted in November 2025. At the NINO Annual Meeting in January 2026 (to be held in Leiden), two winners will be announced: one for the Bachelor Prize and one for the Master Prize.
Students in Ancient Near Eastern studies have the opportunity to submit their thesis between 1 June and 1 October 2025. Don’t miss this chance to win this year’s prize for Best Bachelor or Master thesis on the Ancient Near East!
The main conditions for participation are:
Full regulations for the NINO Thesis Prizes 2023-2024 are available in Dutch (pdf) and in English (pdf).